Date: Mon, 24 Jan 94 09:48:00 PST From: The Moderators Reply-To: Subject: Info-Mac Digest V12 #13 To: info-mac-list Info-Mac Digest Mon, 24 Jan 94 Volume 12 : Issue 13 Today's Topics: [*] Alice 2.3 b4/b5 updater.cpt [*] Anal Probe (Sounds from "Passion Fish") [*] B'ambulance - The Director's Cut [*] BeHierarchic 2.0 [*] Commercial Bits (Sounds from two commercials) [*] dataByDate 1.06 [repost] [*] DeskTape 1.6 Demo Version [*] GIFConverter 2.3.4->2.3.6 Update [*] GIFConverter 2.3.6 [*] OSA Menu 1.0 [*] simpsons startup screens [*] SpanishMacKeyboard.sea [*] StyleWriter: Grayscale vs Black&White (F) [*] three-d-functions-20-demo.hqx [*] Threshold 1.0.2 [*] winter-shell-10d2-c.cpt.hqx [*] Wurm.1.1.sea.hqx (Q) How to compile XLisp-Stat with Think C 6.0? (Q) WP51 with SoftPC [Q] Bold Symbol? Accessing audio CD alias volume imaging (my term) ARA - TCP/IP good, how about Stacker 1.0? (R) Auto Power On/Off tidbits 209 [C] Color IT!(tm) and KPT Gradient DesignerFilter Converting a PICT sequence to a QuickTime movie with Movie Converter Dbase questions. Drop Menus Endnote and Word Eudora & recombining "split" mail (Q) File: "INFO-MAC MAIL" being sent to you Finder File Size v. Real Size Geoport Hungarian Script hypertext origins Info-Mac Digest V12 #9 INIT icon running off screen (R) Keyboard access to menus [Q] Kid Pix 1.2 (Q2) LC475 upgrade? Lifting sounds from CDROM LineLink 144e modem and SmartCom II Locking/unlocking groups of files (Summary) LW 8.1 Spool Mac Classic Upgrades MacHack 94 MacX [R] MaxFax Voice (C) MenuCHoice and Eudora 1.4.1 Need info on hard drives! Offline mail reader PCX-to-Mac (S) posterworks? Program to shut down with power key Refilling HP Cartridges sizeable chunks for downloading software software in Spanish (Q) Stacker opinions. Startupscreen for second monitor? (R) Stylewriter Vs. Deskwriter Stylewriter vs Deskwriter subscribe and help! V12 #11 (stylewriter vs deskwriter) Word 5.1 and Endnote (A) Word 5.1 and Endnote (Answer: get the latest version) Word 5.1 and Endnote (R) WordPerfect Conversions Xwindows on a Macintosh (Answer: use XDM) The Info-Mac newsgroup is moderated by Bill Lipa, Gordon Watts and Liam Breck. The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous, any password) in the info-mac directory on []. Help files and indices are in /info-mac/help. Mail articles for inclusion in the digest to Send binaries to be placed in the archives to Send administrative mail to ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 20 Jan 1994 15:11:53 -0600 From: (Eric Hoffmann) Subject: [*] Alice 2.3 b4/b5 updater.cpt Patch that requires either b4 or b5 of Alice v2.3. Takes either beta to the final 2.3 release. Fixes a printing bug. [Archived as /info-mac/comm/alice-23-updt.hqx; 91K] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Jan 1994 18:35:32 -0500 From: Merry Blue Year Subject: [*] Anal Probe (Sounds from "Passion Fish") Enclosed are four soundbites from the John Sayles feature "Passion Fish." This is from the scene where one of the women who has come to visit is relating the story of her first acting jobQa one line bit. The line is: "I didn't ask for the anal probe." She repeats it about 5-6 times in a row, and here are the best 4. These are great to put on a co-workers machine, or as a insertion specific sound (like putting a disk in). If you like these sounds, please send me a postcard or send me some email. These sounds recorded 1/20/94. Adam Conn 100 Hannes Street Silver Spring, MD 20901-1121 [Archived as /info-mac/snd/passion-fish-anal-probe.hqx; 89K] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Jan 94 18:53:12 -0800 From: "(Michael A. Kelly)" Subject: [*] B'ambulance - The Director's Cut Due to popular demand, here is the uncensored version of the "B'ambulance" sound I submitted a few days ago. WARNING! This sound contains language which may be considered offensive! This is a System 7 sound file, about 2.5 minutes long, sampled at 22 kHz with 6:1 MACE compression. It's a copy of a copy of a copy of a recording of an Ambulance Emergency Line call from (I think) somewhere around Salem, Oregon. The basic story is the guy hit a deer, and then experienced a pretty amusing chain of events. It's hard to describe - definitely worth the download time! [Archived as /info-mac/snd/bambulance-the-directors-cut.hqx; 634K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Jan 94 16:24:28 +0100 From: (Karl Pottie) Subject: [*] BeHierarchic 2.0 This is BeHierarchic 2.0, a control panel which makes your Apple menu hierarchical.It gives folders in the Apple menu their own submenu, and folders within those folders their own submenu, etc., up to 5 levels. I prefer BeHierarchic above the alternative "Menuchoice" because it is a lot faster. This version is System 7 dependent, so the archivers should probably leave the previous version in the archives as well. I am not the author of this software, I'm just posting it. [Archived as /info-mac/gui/be-hierarchic-20.hqx; 25K] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Jan 1994 18:36:13 -0500 From: Merry Blue Year Subject: [*] Commercial Bits (Sounds from two commercials) Enclosed are three sounds from two different commercials. "Dogspitting" is from a Purina Dog Chow commercial, where the finicky dog spits out its food and the food ricochets. "Yes I am" and "Yes I am (c)" are from the Bud Lite commercials where the guy pretends to be looking for the Lee family reunion so he can bogart some beer. The first is him in English, the second is in Chinese. (I think it's Mandarin, don't flame me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure it's that or Cantonese). These sounds may not be included on any compilation without the express permission of the original creators. If you like these sounds, please send me a postcard or send me some email. These sounds recorded 1/20/94. Adam Conn 100 Hannes Street Silver Spring, MD 20901-1121 [Archived as /info-mac/snd/commercial-bits.hqx; 87K] ------------------------------ Date: 21 Jan 1994 16:45:04 +0100 From: Subject: [*] dataByDate 1.06 [repost] About "dataByDate", version 1.06 What is "dataByDate"? "dataByDate" is a HyperCard-stack. It runs under HyperCard 2. "dataByDate" saves files that were altered since (or at or until) a particular d ate to a folder, a disk, a network drive etc. Certain file types (e.g. INITs, application s ...) can (and should) be excluded from the savings process. "dataByDate" is fast, flexible and very easy to handle. "dataByDate" is free for non-commercial distribution. (c) 1992-1993 by Michael Burkle, Innsbruck, Austria Dr. Michael Buerkle University of Innsbruck [Archived as /info-mac/disk/data-by-date-106-hc.hqx; 58K] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Jan 1994 19:45:26 -0500 From: (Jim Gaynor) Subject: [*] DeskTape 1.6 Demo Version Picked up this demo disk at MacWorld. The version I picked up included a cheesy demo animation file, most likely for sale droids, which I've not included with this archive. Note that DeskTape is nothing more than a single control panel - no fancy Installer installation. I'm not associated in any way with Optima - just thought this looked interesting enough to pass on. Here's part of the blurb from the "Instructions" file: INTRODUCING DESKTAPE DeskTape allows you to mount digital audio tapes (DAT) on the desktop. You copy files to or from the tape like you would to a hard disk. Since it is a mounted volume, you can view and open documents directly from the tape. ABOUT THIS DEMO This demo version of DeskTape is fully functional except the tape volume size is limited to 40MB. COMPATIBILITY DeskTape is compatible with DDS, SCSI-2 DAT mechanisms from Hewlett-Packard, Sony, WangDAT, Wangtek and Archive. Some DAT drives can be configured (by a DIP Switch) for SCSI-1 or SCSI-2. Refer to the documentation for your drive to configure it to SCSI-2. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS You must have a Macintosh Plus or higher, System 6.0.5 or later, and 2.5 MB of contiguous hard disk space on your startup drive. The startup volume should be a hard disk. Jim Gaynor - [Archived as /info-mac/disk/desk-tape-16-demo.hqx; 83K] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Jan 1994 21:20:46 -0600 From: (Kevin A. Mitchell) Subject: [*] GIFConverter 2.3.4->2.3.6 Update If you have GIFConverter 2.3.4, then download this updater to correct the following problems and turn it into 2.3.6: o GIFConverter can read and write comments in JPEG/JFIF files. o File comments for GIF and JPEG use CR/LF at the end of a line. The editing window is now 80 characters wide, uses a fixed width font, and does not wrap lines. With these features, GIFConverter conforms with what appears to be accepted practice for formatting these comments. o GIFConverter now gives an error message instead of crashing when it runs out of memory trying to open a JPEG file. o When GIFConverter runs out of memory while trying to allocate an image buffer (the largest memory usage it performs), it now gives a detailed description of the size of the image, and suggests a memory allocation setting that will accomodate the image. o GIFConverter now commits the last action before saving files. For instance, it no longers loses pasted images, or stretches cropped images strangely. o If the Preferences file is damaged, GIFConverter deletes it and makes a new one. It tells you when it does this. Kevin Mitchell [Archived as /info-mac/grf/util/gif-converter-234-to-236-updt.hqx; 123K] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Jan 1994 21:12:52 -0600 From: (Kevin A. Mitchell) Subject: [*] GIFConverter 2.3.6 This is GIFConverter 2.3.6. Display any GIF, TIFF, RIFF, MacPaint, Thunderscan, Startupscreen, RLE, or PICT file on any Macintosh just by downloading this file! Uses color QuickDraw on color Macintoshes. GIFConverter is SHAREWARE, $40 plus S&H. You can print on any Macintosh printer (halftones on LaserWriter, color on ImageWriter II or any color PostScript printer and the LaserWriter 6.0 driver or many other color printers), or save to any of these file formats plus EPSF! Every feature is fully implemented, so you can test GIFConverter with your complete system! This file is a self-extracting archive. This file has been checked for viruses with Disinfectant 3.3. These are the fixes in this version: o GIFConverter can read and write comments in JPEG/JFIF files. o File comments for GIF and JPEG use CR/LF at the end of a line. The editing window is now 80 characters wide, uses a fixed width font, and does not wrap lines. With these features, GIFConverter conforms with what appears to be accepted practice for formatting these comments. o GIFConverter now gives an error message instead of crashing when it runs out of memory trying to open a JPEG file. o When GIFConverter runs out of memory while trying to allocate an image buffer (the largest memory usage it performs), it now gives a detailed description of the size of the image, and suggests a memory allocation setting that will accomodate the image. o GIFConverter now commits the last action before saving files. For instance, it no longers loses pasted images, or stretches cropped images strangely. o If the Preferences file is damaged, GIFConverter deletes it and makes a new one. It tells you when it does this. [Archived as /info-mac/grf/util/gif-converter-236.hqx; 475K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Jan 1994 11:12:40 -0800 From: (Leonard Rosenthol) Subject: [*] OSA Menu 1.0 OSA Menu adds an iconic system menu (like the Help menu) to the right side of the menu bar. Its menu items are scripts created with any Open Scripting Architecture (OSA) compliant scripting system such as AppleScript, Userland Frontier, QuicKeys, tclScript, etc. This is most useful in applications that are scriptable but require you to switch to another application. BUT NO MORE!! Now you can just choose the script you want to run from the OSA Menu. Unlike other similar products, OSA Menu uses special techniques which provide MUCH greater compatibility with system extensions as well as the applications themselves. It also offers a bunch of special features including the ability to quickly edit any script in your menu!! OSA Menu requires System 7 and an OSA compliant scripting language. OSA Menu is 32-bit clean, '040 cache, AV and virtual memory compatible. It other words, as long as you have System 7 and a scripting language it will work! Leonard Rosenthol [Archived as /info-mac/gui/osa-menu-10.hqx; 23K] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Jan 94 22:58:26 CST From: "Lyle Merdan" Subject: [*] simpsons startup screens The following are a collection of great screen captures from the last episode of The Simpsons(TM). I resized them to 640X480 and saved them using ColotIt's QTcompressor file option. They are 24-bit images captured on a C660AV compressed using the standard JPEG setting so uncompressed they tend to be a bit large. Any questions just e-mail me, or if there are any copyright infringments I didn't mean any harm. Enjoy :-) Lyle Merdan 994 Juliet Way (612) 356-7190 Avon, MN 56310 Apple Macintosh. The power to be your best. [Archived as /info-mac/grf/simpsons-startups.hqx; 670K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Jan 1994 11:26:08 -0700 (MST) From: "The one, the only, Matt W" Subject: [*] SpanishMacKeyboard.sea I have attached a file which has been binhexed. It is a self extracting copy of a keyboard layout I created for the Macintosh using ResEdit. I find it useful when typing in Spanish and hope others will find it useful also. For further details, see the readme files. If you have any questions, I can be contacted at: or Sincerely, Matt Warner [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/spanish-mac-kbrd.hqx; 36K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Jan 1994 13:56:30 +0000 From: (Peter Kay) Subject: [*] StyleWriter: Grayscale vs Black&White (F) In a previous post, I asked for advice concerning ink economy when printing text with Grayscale or Black&White on a StyleWriter II, because I had been somewhat confused by apparently contradictory advice in the SW manual and ReadMe. I had a good response, but some of the replies did show that I wasn't the only one to be confused. First of all, thanks to all of you who responded. (You know who you are.) I now understand the mechanics of printing better than I did. Peter Kay, School of Information Sciences, (tel. no. 0707 284 358) University of Hertfordshire, UK, AL10 9AB ( [Archived as /info-mac/info/hdwr/stylewriter-grayscale-v-bw.txt; 3K] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Jan 94 20:04:20 -0500 From: (Hussam A Dandashli) Subject: [*] three-d-functions-20-demo.hqx 3-D Functions v2.0 Visualization of z = f(x, y) with optimization options Functions of two variables are difficult to reproduce on paper because they exist in 3-D space. 3-D Functions 2.0 supplies the user with different functions to choose from, to add, multiply, or divide up to 10 function combinations into a special function. Also supplied is a bunch of preset functions (enabled for the demo version) and one nested function. Version 2 adds the option of contour plots and constraint functions that can be used in optimization problems, where the user can identify the region where the function is at a minimum value, etc... The demo version has every thing enabled for the preset functions like f=sin(x)*cos(y). The user can look at the 3-D plot, rotate it, use different colors to visualize altitude variations. The user can also look at the contour plot of the function, click in the window and see the regions that share the same function value as that point (singling out one contour like f = 0.3). I have included the user manual that describes the features in more details and in color (MSWord 5 format). Please circulate this demo. This demo may be included on the archive's CD-ROM. Hussam A Dandashli [Archived as /info-mac/sci/three-d-functions-20-demo.hqx; 216K] ------------------------------ Date: 21 Jan 1994 12:58:10 -0400 (EDT) From: "Jeremy Kezer, (203) 676-6151" Subject: [*] Threshold 1.0.2 Threshold 1.0.2 for PowerBooks Do you use an external battery on your PowerBook? Or are you tired of those low battery warnings coming up minutes or even hours before they really should? Then Threshold is the answer! Threshold lets you adjust when the low battery warnings occur. You can alter the warnings to come up later than usual, giving you more productive battery time. It is essential if you are using an external battery pack (PowerPlate, ThinPack or similar), but it's also handy for internal batteries. Threshold sports a concise graphical display. It shows an analog graph representing current battery voltage, with the curent warning points illustrated. There is also a battery status indicator, an elapsed timer, and a sleep button. The warning thresholds are easily adjusted using up & down arrows. Threshold allows you to program up to three different sets of warnings, and can automatically toggle between different sets for internal and external batteries. Shareware; $10 registration fee suggested. DOES NOT work on Duo's. Jeremy Kezer 143 Songbird Lane Farmington, CT 06032-3433 (USA) [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/threshold-102.hqx; 120K] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Jan 1994 22:52:23 -0500 (EST) From: (Ari I Halberstadt) Subject: [*] winter-shell-10d2-c.cpt.hqx Source code for a Macintosh application shell. Approximately 1.1 megabytes of C source code are provided (at 27 characters per line, that's over 40000 lines). Both systems 6 and 7 are supported. You may use this as the basis for an application, or you may extract any useful functions you find for use in your own code. There are many useful code snippets in here, and the code should prove useful for both beginner and experienced Macintosh programmers. The code was written with THINK C 5.0.4, though porting to MPW should not be too difficult; guidelines for porting are included in the file "Porting". The software is free, and may be used in any free product according to the terms described in the file "Distribution". For commercial use please contact the author. This is the first public release. Documentation, other than comments in the source code, is sparse. If there is interest and as time permits I may write additional documentation. [Archived as /info-mac/dev/src/winter-shell-10d2-c.hqx; 977K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Jan 1994 01:36:23 -0700 (MST) From: cantrell@lamar.ColoState.EDU (Carol Cantrell) Subject: [*] Wurm.1.1.sea.hqx Wurm 1.1 This is a splashy little screen saver for use with After Dark. It is a little worm with googly eyes that does some very wild things with color--a mixture of cute and psychadellic. Paul Cantrell Cantrell@Lamar.ColoState.EDU [Archived as /info-mac/gui/ad/wurm-11-ad.hqx; 44K] ------------------------------ Date: 21 Jan 1994 13:53:00 +0100 (MET) From: Subject: (Q) How to compile XLisp-Stat with Think C 6.0? Hello, I am working with XLisp-Stat and have to implement extensions that cannot be handled via XLSX Code Resources. So I have to implement the changes in the C sourcecode of XLisp-Stat. Therefore I have ftp'ed the code but so far it always was compiled with MPW C and I only have Think C 6.0 available. It turned out not to be so easy just loading the code into Think C and compile it, as there are a lot of preprocessor statements referring to special MPW settings. >From several sides I have heard that with the version 6.0 of Think C it is possible to compile XLisp-Stat (it wasn't possible with former versions). Is there anyone who has done it already and who can give me some hints on how to do. The perfect solution would be if I could obtain a Think C 6.0 Project file with the appropriate settings. Thanks Jens Eickhoff ( ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Jan 1994 10:40:48 -0500 (EST) From: lebeau@ERE.UMontreal.CA (Lebeau Ronald) Subject: (Q) WP51 with SoftPC Hello netters, Does anybody know of a tips for using F1-F2, etc. and Alt keys when I run WP51 with SoftPC, with an Apple standard Keyboard II. Thanks in advance. Please mail me directly. Ronald Lebeau ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Jan 1994 16:11:13 -0600 (CST) From: "Bruce Bromberek" Subject: [Q] Bold Symbol? Please forgive me if this is a FAQ (if it is just point me to it and I'll sulk out of here) but how can I get BOLD symbold to print. MS word 5.0 will show it correctly on the screen, but the printed result is plain. System: Mac II's and LCs, system 7, true type fonts (but I've tried it without TT) apple and non-apple laserprinters ( I even went to LW 8 print driver but no help) A free solution would be best, but my advisor has had this desire to print bold symbols for tensor notation in papers that I'm sure he'd be willing to sping for a solution! ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Jan 94 14:28:20 EST From: Tom Smyth Subject: Accessing audio CD I've installed Apple CDROM Software v.4.0.5 on a Mac LCII with an older AppleCD SC attached. Interactive CDs, with audio and video, work fine (although understandably slow); however, I cannot access a regular audio CD. When it is inserted, "This is not a Macintosh disk. Do you wish to initialize it?" message appears. Any suggestions? (I'm stuck with the drive for a while.) TIA Thomas J.C. Smyth, Ph.D. email: School of Education fax: 803-641-3445 USC-Aiken voice: 803-648-6851 Aiken, South Carolina 29801 ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Jan 1994 13:27:58 -0600 From: Paul M Sheldon Subject: alias volume imaging (my term) Is there a way to do the following? Say I have a cd with 300 megabytes of files. I would like to to copy to another folder the directory structure but alias the terminals ie. files. I would like to select the whole cd to do this and probably copy to a volume on small partition or floppy that won't "fatten" from file allocation blocks. I wouldn't want this "image" on the cd. This thinned version of a cd might advertise for free what is on the cd. ------------------------------ Date: 21 Jan 1994 14:42:53 +0000 From: (Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble) Subject: ARA - TCP/IP (Luc Boullart) wrote: >Does anyone have an idea of how to transfer TCP/IP packets from the dial-up >line through ARA (or through another software transport layer which does >wrapping / unwrapping of TCP/IP packets from /into Appletalk) into the >Ethernet? Yes, it should work as is. Set MacTCP to obtain the address 'manually'. Make sure that the network control panel is set to "EtherTalk Built-in". Then I can use Versaterm-Pro to log-in using the TelNet tool to any host with a TCP/IP address. This from my home SE/30 and V32bis modem. Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble, FRANCE ( Fax (France=33). ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Jan 1994 08:19:28 -0800 (PST) From: John Thoo Subject: good, how about Stacker 1.0? (R) On Thu, 20 Jan 1994 Ricky W C Wan wrote: > While many people are happy about AutoDoubler, I am more interested in > the comments of stacker 1.0. Why? Since I just bought it few days ago > but have not install it yet. > > I understand that stacker is less popular than AutoDoubler, but I hope > some of you can tell me about your experience in using stacker. You mileage may vary, Ricky, but I've been using Stacker on my PB170 since Stacker was released. I didn't want to stack my System folder, so I used SilverLining to partition my 40MB drive into a 13MB partition for my System folder, and a 27MB partition for all my other stuff. I installed Stacker on the 27MB partition, have haven't had any problems yet (knock on wood). Two notes: (1) I didn't have to partition my small HD. I could easily have stacked the whole drive. (2) I try to check the integrity of my HD and files each weekend by running the Stacker app, Disk First Aid, and Norton Disk Doctor, in that order. > BTW, I think that one wants to use disk compression program such as > AutoDoubler or Stacker, he should get hold of a disk-fixing program > like Norton Utilities or MacTools for the save side. Even a bug free > program can get wrong due to some unusual hardware or software conditions. > (I bought stacker together with MacTools 3.0 and try to get > familiar with MacTools before I install stacker. However, I am not > very happy about MacTools, mainly because my LC has only 4MB RAM. > I probably mail my comment on MacTools next time.) The Stacker manual recommends running the Stacker disc checker before any other disc-fixing utility. Also, the manual recommends _against_ using any type of disc defragmentation/optimization utility. (Apparently the Stacker disc checker will take care of file fragmentation.) I hope this helps. --John. J. B. THOO, Math Dept, Univ of California, Davis ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 22 Jan 1994 17:23:34 GMT From: Sven Guckes Subject: Auto Power On/Off tidbits 209 [C] Dieder Bylsma ( wrote : >However, so far as I can tell, it only works on the following three >modular Macs: Quadra 840AV, the IIvx, and the IIsi. ------------------------------ Date: 21 Jan 1994 08:46:35 U From: "Harris Tom" Subject: Color IT!(tm) and KPT Gradient DesignerFilter I have a Performa 475. I bought a copy of Color IT!(tm) with the KPT Gradient Designer Filter include. If I envoke the KPT Gradient Designer Filter my Mac crashes with a FPU not installed. I know that the Performa 475 utilizes the 68LC040. I was wondering if there was a version of the Gradient Designer that did not require a FPU. I was contemplating buying KAIs Power Tools. But if they require a FPU I can not use them. Does any one know a email address for HSC Software? Or a phone number for HSC software. Please respond with email. Thanks in advance. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Jan 1994 09:59:42 -0500 (EST) From: Kenny Subject: Converting a PICT sequence to a QuickTime movie with Movie Converter I've been trying to convert a series of black-and-white PICTs into a QuickTime movie using Movie Converter 1.0, which came with the original QuickTime Starter Kit. Any time I even open any of the PICT files in Movie Converter (let alone try to convert it into a movie), the PICT looks like garbage -- with fake color and strange lines all over the place. While there is a work-around (copy the PICT files one by one into the Scrapbook, and use Movie Converter to convert the Scrapbook file), it's quite awkward. Has anyone else seen this problem converting a sequence of PICT files? Is there a newer version of Movie Converter? Kenny Freundlich Wellesley College ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Jan 94 16:37:21 -0500 From: (Michael E. Grabenstein) Subject: Dbase questions. I need to do some development work on my mac for a Dos database program that is compatible with the Dbase programming language. Fox Base Pro for the Mac would fit the bill, but I have this allergic reaction to purchasing MS products. What would be a good alternative? Note I am on a fix budget. TIA. Later, Mike Grabenstein, ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Jan 1994 11:23:03 -0500 From: (Nick Schmitt) Subject: Drop Menus Howdy! I'm looking for something that will take the place of Now Utilities Drop Menus....I'm getting tired of opening three or four windows to get to where I'm going...does anyone know about some shareware that will do the job for me?? Nick "Really, next time, I'll have back-up" ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Jan 1994 12:26:17 -0800 From: (Tonya Engst) Subject: Endnote and Word Hi! Mark Monmonier wrote in asking about endnote and Word: >Does anyone know of a way to make the 1989 bibliographic package Endnote >compatible with Word 5.1? Endnote opens readily with Word 4.0 but not with >versions 5.0 or 5.1. Customer Support for Endnote is not available at the >telephone number in my users manual--the vendor (Niles & Associates, of >Berkeley, Cal.) is either out of business or has changed its phone number. >Thanks for any suggestions other than the obvious one of opening Endnote in >Word 4, and then copying the bibliography into Word 5. Here's a little informative article that I once wrote (about 6 months ago) about Endnote, I hope this helps Mark and proves to be generally informative for anyone interested: cheers, tonya When using Word and Niles & Associates' EndNote software, you may experience problems if incompatible versions of EndNote and Word are used together. There are reports of a variety of crashes, freezes, and error messages when using incompatible versions of EndNote and Word. The latest version EndNote is version 1.6, and the latest version of EndNote Plus is version 1.3 [as of 6 or so months ago]. This article provides information from Niles & Associates about which versions work together [I called their tech support]. Word Version Compatible With ------------ --------------- 5.0 and 5.1 EndNote 1.5 or later EndNote Plus 1.2 or later 4.0 EndNote 1.2 and later EndNote Plus: all versions 3.x EndNote: all versions EndNote Plus: all versions [The Niles & Associates person said they do not test as strenuously with Word 3.x, since fewer people still use Word 3.x.] EndNote Plus consists of two EndNote programs, which ship on two separate disks. The Plug-In Module (PIM) program works only with Word 5.0 and 5.1. The EndNote Plus program, a stand-alone program, works with Word 3.x, 4.0, 5.0, and 5.1. Niles & Associates, Inc. [as of 6 or so months ago] 2000 Hearst Street Berkeley, CA 94709 Phone: (510) 649-8176 Fax: (510) 649-8179 They are also available on the internet, I believe, and I think there is even an endnote list, though I don't know the details. Tonya Engst, TidBITS Editor -- My opinions are not necessarily those of my employer, Microsoft ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Jan 1994 09:31:50 -0500 From: (Mike Craymer) Subject: Eudora & recombining "split" mail (Q) Does anyone know how to automatically recombine large emails that are "split" by Eudora into smaller equal-size messages? For example, each Info-Mac Digest mailing I receive is split up by Eudora into a series of 3 or 4 smaller messages that I manually paste back together into a single file using my text editor and then save to disk. Is there some way to automatically recombine these back together when I save them? Mike Craymer ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Jan 94 14:44:46 CET From: ListEARN List Processor (1.3) Subject: File: "INFO-MAC MAIL" being sent to you Return-Path: Received: from EBCESCA1 (NJE origin ZCOSMTP@EBCESCA1) by PUIGMAL.CESCA.ES (LMail V1.2a/1.8a) with BSMTP id 6927; Fri, 21 Jan 1994 14:43:34 +0000 Received: from by PUIGMAL.CESCA.ES (IBM VM SMTP V2R2) with TCP; Fri, 21 Jan 94 14:43:28 CET Received: from by with SMTP (15.11/15.6) id AA04346; Fri, 21 Jan 94 14:45:22 -0100 Subject: programing serial port on powerbook To: From: "Blanco, Eduardo" Date: Fri, 21 Jan 94 14:41:10 +0100 Message-Id: <> Using Think Pascal 4.0.2 for programming serial ports in PowerBook 100 and PowerBook 145B, the system crashed calling FSWrite. In Macintosh Plus, SE, LC, Mac II etc. this run perfect. Where is a source in pascal o {C} for management the serial ports on powerbook? Eduardo Blanco Aglio Universidad de Zaragoza Spain Usando Think Pascal 4.0.2 para programar los puertos serie del PowerBook 100 y 145B, el sistema se queda bloqueado al llamar FSWrite, el mismo programa corre perfectamente en Plus, SE, LC, Mac II etc. Donde hay fuentes en pascal o {C} para manejar los puertos serie en PowerBook. Eduardo Blanco Aglio Universidad de Zaragoza Espaa ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 22 Jan 1994 16:56:43 GMT From: Sven Guckes Subject: Finder File Size v. Real Size (Edward Floden) writes: >The file in question is a folder, containing nothing but more folders, each >with a custom icon. (It's a custom icon collection.) According to the >System 7.1 Finder's Get Info, this folder has a size of 12K (yes, >_twelve_), and contains 596 items. Yet, when I attempt to copy this >seemingly minuscule folder, the Copy command will inform me that the folder >contains 1186 items, almost double what Get Info says. And, when I first >attempted to copy this folder onto an 800K disk, I was also informed that >an additional *1.7MB* was needed to copy the items. >Why the discrepancy between Get Info and reality, and how much space does this >folder actually occupy? BTW, the partition's size is about 100MB. "Get Info" tells you about *visible* items. Copying involves copying of custom icons, too. Custom icons however are *invisible*, and thus are not accounted for with the GetInfo command. If I was a sales droid I'd answer "It may be an init conflict"... Sven :) ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Jan 1994 14:28:40 -0500 From: rourkem@ENIAC.SEAS.UPENN.EDU (Rourke McNamara) Subject: Geoport I have a Quadra 840av and a Geoport Telcom Adapter. I lost the Apple Phone utility when my hard drive crashed a while ago. I was wondering where I could get another copy of it. I was also wondering if there were any other shareware or commercial peices of software that take advantage of my Geoport. Also, When is Apple going to relase a version of the software that will run at 14.4 with HH? Please respond via E-Mail. Thanks, Rourke McNamara ( ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Jan 94 20:33:08 EST From: Pete Tamas Subject: Hungarian Script Can anyone tell me how to get the Hungarian Script? I don't need the entire System Software, just the script. I need it so I could sort lists of Hungarian names in the proper order. Thanks, Pete Tamas or TempleVM.bitnet ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Jan 94 15:32:44 EST From: Greg Kroll Subject: hypertext origins I have always been under the impression that hypertext was a "Mac thing". Recently someone told me it's origins are in DOS. Anyone know which is true? Just curious. --Greg Kroll ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 22 Jan 1994 00:13:06 -0500 From: "David L. Elliott" Subject: Info-Mac Digest V12 #9 has been sending in H.R. Giger scans to Info-Mac ... but no statement is made that this is with the artist's permission. Since the paintings are in a copyrighted book, this is disturbing. David ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Jan 1994 20:17:20 -0800 (PST) From: John Thoo Subject: INIT icon running off screen (R) On Thu, 20 Jan 94 Jim Powlesland wrote: > I have so many extensions, etc. that the icons form two rows > across the bottom of the screen. The problem is that the bottom > row icons run right off the screen before continuing on the top > row. What is causing this? And, how can I fix it? Try [gui/icon-wrap-12.hqx] at sumex-aim. --John. J. B. THOO, Math Dept, Univ of California, Davis ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Jan 1994 15:49:30 +0000 From: (Douglas I. Donaldson) Subject: Keyboard access to menus [Q] I'd like to be able to do as much as possible on my Mac using the keyboard instead of the mouse. ApplWindows (to switch between applications and windows) and Keys! (which provides shortcuts in dialog boxes), both from info-mac/gui have been very useful - but what I'd really like is a general mechanism to browse and choose menu items. Word provides something close with the Activate Keyboard Menus command (command+tab or num key pad-.). Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks. Douglas Donaldson;; 081 879 7462; Department of Computing Imperial College, 180 Queen's Gate, London SW7 2BZ; +44-71 589 5111 x5078 ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Jan 1994 20:20:47 -0800 (PST) From: John Thoo Subject: Kid Pix 1.2 (Q2) On Mon, 17 Jan 1994 I wrote: > I finally bought a copy of the much-acclaimed Kid Pix 1.2 for my > two-and-a-half-year-old. I've run into three problems, and am > wondering if anyone else has run into the same. I'm using an SE/30 8MB > runnning > System 7.0/tuneup 1.1.1, and a Radius Color Pivot/LE. > > (1) In 32-bit mode (using Mode32), selecting Samll Kids Mode freezes the > program, and requires my restarting the Mac. On 20 Jan 1994 "Dees, Ted E." wrote: > I'm running it on an si, using the native 32-bit mode. Small Kids Mode > works with no problems. This prompts a follow-up question: Is there any difference between using ``native'' 32-bit mode and MODE32? Thanks. --John. J. B. THOO, Math Dept, Univ of California, Davis ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Jan 94 12:56:26 MET From: An Apple a day... 21-Jan-1994 1253 Subject: LC475 upgrade? In your article you wrote: >Can an LC475 be given an FPU? Can it be upgraded to Power PC? The short answer to question #1 is yes, by replacing the 68040LC adopted in the 475 with a full-fledged 68040 which has an on-dchip FPU. Expect some more heating generated so a heat-sink may be needed. Question two has two answers: No, because the 475 doesn't appear to be in the powerPC-candidates list Yes, because nobody beleaves that such a top-seller machine won't be a target for third parties and even Apple to market an upgrade. Ciao, Giuseppe Milana Digital SpA Milan, Italy. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Jan 1994 13:30:15 +0000 From: (Malcolm Bebb) Subject: Lifting sounds from CDROM > wrote: > >>I would like to be able to lift sounds from CD to use as system beeps. > >Actually you don't need any, infact with QuickTime) (I'm using 1.6.1) you just >drop in the audio CD in the SC300 and launch, say, MoviePlayer which has enough >options to let you choose your output format (stereo, mono, 44Khz, 22Khz, >etc..) >Be aware, tho, that you may be moving megabytes for a single record in the >CD! I had a play with this - as I recall MoviePlayer wanted to have the entire sound in RAM before it would let me do very much. I had to allow over 1 Meg per minute of CD track. ( Is 176k per second the magic figure? plus some for the application) Malcolm (Usual disclaimers apply) ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Jan 1994 20:42:20 -0600 (CST) From: "F. J. Van Wetering" Subject: LineLink 144e modem and SmartCom II Let us share experiences, and perhaps one of you info-mac readers have some heavy experience with modems. As the header states, I am trying to use a LineLink 144e with Hayes SmartCom II software. The problems is this: I set the speed and data format to proper settings (14400, 8, N, 1) and start the call. After the first step (setting up modem), I get a dialog box that says,: "The attached modem cannot accept AT commands at the chosen speed. Speed is being reset to 2,400" The choices are 'OK' and 'Cancel'. Cancel terminates the telephone call. Anyone know what is going on here? I talked wtih Technology Concepts, Inc. but the supposed 'technical person' that I talked to had no clue about modems, AT command sets, or anything like that. She told me to use the MacKnowledge software that came bundled with the modem. Well, MacKnowledge is OK... BUT I can't figure out how to send 'control characters', you know... like control+c for cancel, control+d for logout, etc. At least with SmartCom, I can toggle a radio button to indicate which keys generate the control key. BTW, I am using a 1984 512K -> Plus -> 68030 accelerator machine, and the keyboard has no 'Control' key on it. Only the OPTION and the "Apple" keys. I am not confident to call back the company, 'cause I really didn't think that this person knew what the hell she was talking about. Any help from the net will be appreciated. BTW, if nobody knows about a work-around, how about a recommendation on a communications package that is a)reasonably priced, b) works with the LineLink, and c) is configurable? Thanks in advance. F. J. Van Wetering ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Jan 1994 09:13:13 -0500 From: (Mike Craymer) Subject: Locking/unlocking groups of files (Summary) Thanks to all those who quickly responded to my query about utilities to lock/unlock groups of files without having to use Get Info. A few of the suggestions: Mini Grinders' Lock It (David Ryeburn, Peter Breton), File Typer (Graham Allsopp, Daniel Buchan), DiskDoubler's Lock & Unlock (Chris Webster, Paolo Marini). Jan France even offered to *write* a utility for me! I think I'll settle on File Typer since it does some other things I need. Thanks again for your help guys! ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Jan 94 15:48:24 CST From: Akira Subject: LW 8.1 Spool HAs anyone out there come up with a hack that will stop LW 8.1 from spooling to the printmonitor folder? I have a small system partition (30 megs), and print files from photoshop that are larger than that. The driver will spool the file first, and then print it. How can I stop this. Half the time I cannot print the file due to lack of space. I could re-format my drive, but the FWB update is not out yet for the AV's. I tried to make an alias and put it on my graphics partition to no avail. Taking all suggestions. Akira ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Jan 94 21:37:49 JST From: Subject: Mac Classic Upgrades Can anyone offer any enlightenment on upgrading a Mac Classic. Any information will be gratefully received: ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Jan 94 16:44:57 EST From: (Waldemar Horwat) Subject: MacHack 94 Call for Papers Technical Conference for Macintosh Developers '94 June 23 - 25, 1994 Ann Arbor, Michigan The MacHack '94 Proceedings Committee is soliciting papers for the ninth annual Technical Conference for Macintosh Developers (MacHack '94). The conference is a technical forum on the Macintosh computer, Newton and other PDAs, and personal computing in general and includes programming, networking, operating system, tools, novice, business, and research tracks. Possible topics include, but are not limited to: Direction of Personal Computing Object-Oriented Programming Parallel Processing Intelligent Applications OCE Networking Databases Graphics and Multimedia User Interface Research Computers in Education Newton and other PDAs RISC computing A/UX OS/2 and Microsoft Windows Macintosh Hardware and Cards International Programming Programming Languages and Tools Case studies Project Development Software Maintenance and Reliability Starting a Computer Business Changing Computer Marketplace Legal Aspects of Computing Useful Programming Techniques QuickTopics: 1-3 page mini-papers of useful hints or information to increase development productivity Paper presenters will receive free conference registrations and special recognition. QuickTopics authors will receive the speaker discount. Conference attendance is limited to 300 (and is expected to sell out). Please submit short abstracts (one page or less) by February 15, 1994. Papers are due by May 2, 1994. Registration Fees: Attendee - $375 before 4/15/94 Speaker - $275 before 4/15/94 For more information contact: Shane Looker, Papers Chairman or Aimee Moran, Expotech: Expotech, Inc. 1264 Bedford Rd. Grosse Pointe Park, MI 48230 313-882-1824 Internet:, AppleLink, GEnie or MacNet: EXPOTECH ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Jan 94 14:05:59 EST From: Subject: MacX [R] .>When I was talking to a sales body from White Pine Software the other day the .>body mentioned that Apple was nolonger updating Mac X and that ver. 1.2 would .>be the last, has anyone else heard this? Any idea why Apple would do this? >>That would be pretty surprising, considering that one of the MacX developers >>was soliciting comments and suggestions in these newsgroups just a few >>weeks ago. Try sending your ideas to >>I'm praying they will update it, and that it will be as solid as MacX 1.2 >>has been. An Apple SE told me that they were not going to come out with another version of MacX to run on the MacOS, but would have another version running on the native PowerPC box. Daniel ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 23 Jan 1994 17:33:42 -0600 (UTC -06:00) From: Kris! Subject: MaxFax Voice (C) The modem will not answer in Voice mode unless MaxFax is in the foreground. That's a documented fact for users of LineLink modems. My problem is my modem hangs up after 10 secs. of message from callers. And sometimes, it doesn't "hear" the tones, such as 77 for fax. It is really upsetting that all the options in the Voice Configuration menu are disabled (only the sound quality is) I paid $42.95 for a program that is very limited. A friend of mine has the same MaxFax for Windows, and it gives many options for the users, such as Call Screening, Caller ID, amount of HardDrive space to use for messages, etc. Oh well, I guess you get what you pay for... --Kris ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Jan 1994 12:22:48 -0500 From: (Mike Craymer) Subject: MenuCHoice and Eudora 1.4.1 >Date: Tue, 18 Jan 94 11:29:37 EST >From: Clare Durst >Subject: MenuCHoice and Eudora 1.4.1 > >Love both of them. But opening something from the apple menu through >menu choice gives me an "empty mailbox" message when I'm in Eudora, and >I shortly crash. Has anyone else experienced this?- I haven't done the >Extensions Manager eliminate-one-by-one YET! ARGH! I've had a very stable >system for awhile now, until I brought in the new Eudora. Didn't have >any problem with the earlier v. of Eudora and MenuChoice. > Hi Clare, I'm using Eudora 1.4.1 and MenuChoice 1.9 and I get a similar problem only when I open a *submenu* item in the Apple Menu. MenuChoice correctly launches the submenu selection, but I also get the Eudora error beep/dialog "Sorry, that document doesn't seem to be a mailbox." When I get back to Eudora I just click Okay in the error dialog to make it disappear. No error message appears when I select main menu items from the Apple Menu. It also doesn't crash my Quadra 800 (at least it hasn't since I got the error more than 5 minutes ago). Mike Craymer ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 22 Jan 1994 11:33:52 -0500 From: (Erik Schwiebert) Subject: Need info on hard drives! Im now looking for a new hard drive as i have completely filled up my 80meg internal. I'm looking for drives in the range of 200-350 megs in size, no more than $400 in price, and preferably external so i can keep my current internal. I have a Mac IIsi, w/ 5 megs of ram So far, the best price to size ratio i have found is La Cie's 340meg Tsunami external, for $359. Does anyone have any experience with La Cie drives, customer support, etc? are there any other drives or companies i should look at? Please reply by email, and i will post summaries to the net. thanx, erik ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Jan 94 08:01:20 CST From: Akira Subject: Offline mail reader Can anyone sugest a good offline mail reader for a local BBS? Akira ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Jan 1994 08:14:55 -0600 From: (Monty Hampton) Subject: PCX-to-Mac (S) Thanks to all who responded to my inquiry regarding converting PCX files to PICT files. Specifically, thanks to: ABRODY, Allan Bloom, Mike Schatzberg, David Steinhauser, Jonathan Brecher and Paul Fitzgerald. By far the most recommended solution was DataViz's MacLinkPlusPC. DeBabelizer received a mention as well. David Steinhauser also wrote: >>GraphicConverter 1.6.2 is a shareware program that should do the trick for >you. >> It is on Sumex as: >> >>/info-mac/grf/util/graphics-converter-162.hqx >> >>It will convert a wide variety of graphic formats into pict files. Thanks again! ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Jan 1994 06:55:23 -0500 (EST) From: TSEAGE%ALBION.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU Subject: posterworks? I'm trying to find anyone useing PosterWorks 3.0 a program from S.H. Pierce & Co. It makes some pretty wild claims and I've contacted the Company but no information was forth coming. If anyone is useing it and can give me a review please contact me at TSEAGE@ALBION.BITNET Thanks in advance T Seage ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Jan 94 08:55:13 -0500 From: (Jim Burmeister) Subject: Program to shut down with power key Here's an idea for all you Mac programming gurus trying to think of what your next cool utility is going to be... The AV macs (and maybe other new macs as well) are set up such that if you press the power key while the Mac is on, you get a dialog asking if you want to shut down, and you can then shut down the computer (or cancel). I would like to see a little extension which provides this feature on earlier Macs. I am fairly certain that nothing quite like this exists. If so, please direct me toward it. If someone is already working on something like this, I'll beta test for you! -Jim Burmeister, ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 22 Jan 94 10:31:08 EST From: (Prof. L.G. Leduc) Subject: Refilling HP Cartridges I've read Karl Pottie's instructions on refilling HP DeskWriter cartridges but he does not make mention of the newer high capacity cartridges. Does anyone konw how these cartridges can be refilled. There is a warning on the cartridge itself which states that puncturing the seal will cause ink to leak. Please reply directly to me. Thanks. Leo G. Leduc ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Jan 94 10:55 MET From: (Walter Klust) Subject: sizeable chunks for downloading How to get *BIG* ftp'ed files from UNIX to PC To your Mac on disks ----------------------------------------------------------------- To get the big files home, you have to split them in chunks which will fit on disks. The Problem is: "How to split Mac-binary files in a non-Mac environment?" The solution: "Transform the file into a system-independet representation, which can be handled in both einvironments". So take the following steps for the file big_mac_ftped_file.hqx : 1. uuencode the file on unix: uuencode big_mac_ftped_file.hqx big_mac_ftped_file.hqx > bmfuu This will produce a file named bmfuu 2. now split it, using either a text editor (awesome) or by using the unix-tool split: split -22500 bmfuu bmfuu. This will produce some files bmfuu.aa bmfuu.ab ... and so on Each file now has a size of approx. 1.395 MB 3. transport the bmfuu.* -files to your PC, and copy each one on a disk. 4. get files from disks to your Mac 5. merge the bmfuu.* -files to a new file bmfuu using UULite or chunkjoiner 6. uudecode the bmfuu-file using UULite 7. Now you should have the file big_mac_ftped_file.hqx on your Mac. Thats it! Note that uuencoding will increase the size by 40 % So if bigfile.hqx has a size of 2.6 MB, the uu-file has a size of 3.64 MB, so you will need 3 Disks for transportation. To lower this size, you may compress/decompress the uu-files in additional steps: 2. split -30000 bmfuu bmfuu. ... Each file now has a size of approx. 1.86 MB 2.1 compress the uu-files using gzip gzip bmfuu.* Each file now should have a size of approx. 1.39 MB 4.9 uncompress the compressed uu-files using Macgzip This method will increase the transportation size by 5-10% You need the tools UNIX: uuencode, split, (gzip) Mac : UULite, (chunkjoiner), (Macgzip) I have tested this method for transporting MacBSD (One file had gruesome 4.91 MB) and it has worked fine. -walter Walter Klust Email: Logware GmbH Tel.: +49-30-490001-41 Schwedenstr.9 D-13359 Berlin GERMANY ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Jan 1994 12:41:55 -0800 (PST) From: Benjamin Thomas Squire Subject: software Please do me a favor. I am looking for a commercial software program that can do detailed scheduling for 300 doctors for a one year period. the program should allow for each doctor to be scheduled for eight different tasks without overlap and allow for different shares of tasks to be specified for certain doctors. can you suggest a suitable program for either pc or mac compatible? I am sure that such a program exists. Please reply to Thank you in advance for your help. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Jan 1994 09:52:51 -0500 From: (Thomas Waterbury Davis) Subject: software in Spanish (Q) I am looking for Mac software in Spanish for use by a friend in Ecuador. I'd like to find an ftp site, if possible. Also I'd be interested in purchasing commercial software (ClarisWorks, et. al.) for him. Are there any companies existing in the USA which sell foreign language software (mail order or otherwise)? Any information you could provide would be much appreciated. Please email replies to -Tom ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Jan 94 06:35:01 PST From: Tim D. Castle Subject: Stacker opinions. Ricky W C Wan asks in the Digest V12 #11 about Stacker 1.0 Having used it a bit, I've got one or two (or probably way too many) opinions about it. 1) It is COMPLETELY transparent once it is installed, unless you consider the speed degradation an impediment to transparency. Yes, it does slow down reads (somewhat) and writes (noticably). For the increase in space on a disk, though, I am willing to live with it. 2) If you use it, keep good backups just in case. I've got two hard disks that are doing fine, no problems with them being Stacked. One other, however, has had some problems; they're not caused by Stacker, I don't believe, but by by media errors. Having Stacker on the drive, though, makes it difficult to get the data off once a media error causes the drive to fail. If I'd been backing up religiously, I'd have just reformatted, reStacked, and restored. As it was, I had to "disconnect" Stacker, reinstall the driver, and then hassle with the drive to recover the data. My system would not boot with the drive powered up; I had to turn it on after my system was running (Yes, I know that's a Bad Thing To Do With A SCSI Drive). Then, it would only run for about 4-5 minutes before locking up the whole system. After 3 restarts in this fashion, I was able to get my data saved on to SyQuest cartridges. I then replaced the Stacked 40 MB drive with an unStacked 80 MB drive, and left it alone. Again, I have two other drives (one 40 MB, another 100 MB) that are doing just fine with Stacker. Is it better or worse than AutoDoubler? In my opinion yes, it is better and worse than AutoDoubler. Better because it's transparent and because it will compress a whole disk, including the System Folder. Worse because AutoDoubler never gave me any trouble (I stopped using it once I got a big enough hard disk.) My general opinion: If you need more storage, get a bigger hard disk. If you can't afford a bigger hard disk, save up until you can. If you REALLY, REALLY, CAN'T afford a bigger hard disk, and you think that maybe a compression product will do for now, fine; use some kind of compression until you can save up for a bigger hard disk. And KEEP GOOD BACKUPS!!! -T.C. Tim Castle End-User Computing, GTE Gov't Systems, Mountain View, CA (These are solely my opinions; My company doesn't pay me enough to own them.) ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Jan 1994 20:18:32 -0800 (PST) From: John Thoo Subject: Startupscreen for second monitor? (R) On Thu, 20 Jan 94 (Christopher L. Ursich) wrote: > A friend of mine has a PowerBook 165c and uses an external > monitor and keyboard when she is at her desk. When she > starts up her mac at her desk, she would like the startup > screen to appear on her external monitor rather than on > her PowerBook's screen. How can she do this? Open the Monitors control panel, and hold down the option key. This should bring up a Macintosh icon. Drag that icon onto the monitor that you want to display the startupscreen. Hope this helps. --John. J. B. THOO, Math Dept, Univ of California, Davis ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Jan 94 22:00:32 CST From: (Harmon_Dow) Subject: Stylewriter Vs. Deskwriter I have a StyleWriter "I" at home, with a SW II driver, hacked. I have an HP InkJet, the PC equivalent of the DeskJet, at work. So I have some experience with both, and have a couple of points to add to Michael S. Silverstein's comments: He says: >> a) Water based ink. Document handling instructions: >> No sneezing allowed. Do not eat an apple (whoa!) anywhere >> in the vicinity. No drinking. Do not drop on the floor. >> Do not take outdoors. Do not water your plants. Wear rubber gloves. >> I LOVE the environment but this ink is insane. What are people >> out there doing? Photocopying everything they print so that they >> will have respectable documents? True enough. But there is an outfit called Jet Inc. that makes a refill unit for the StyleWriter (& the DeskWriter) and the refill ink is waterproof! You can reach them at 1219 west Sixth Street, Suite 205, Austin, Texas 78703. Two refill for the price of one SW cartridge, and after several refills my old SW cartridge is going strong. >> b) The feed mechanism often eats, mangles and spits back paper. >> c) I often want to print a single page on letterhead or envelopes. >> Not only is the procedure inconvenient but exponentially raises >> the rate of mangling in (b) above. Well, this does not happen in my SW "I," so I can't speak to it. But there is no doubt that the SW feeder is temperamental, whereas the DeskJet is Old Reliable its very self. >> If I had to do it all over again I would buy a Deskwriter without a >> picosecond's hesitation.... I can't disagree with this, but I have three caveats. First, the SW output is measureably superior to the DeskJet output. So if you are interested in appearance, the SW is clearly superior. No contest. Second, the SW takes up about 1/3 of the space that a DeskWriter would on my small desk. Finally, the SW is portable, while the DW is not. I have had my DeskJet for four or five years, and it is an excellent and worry free product. It is well designed, and has never failed me. I have had my StyleWriter for nearly two years. It is a little idiosyncratic, but I like it. I do think that anyone doing volume printing will like the DW better, so long as that person is satisfied with the way the output looks. ---------- ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Jan 1994 13:39:33 +0000 From: (Malcolm Bebb) Subject: Stylewriter vs Deskwriter (Dr. Michael S. Silverstein) writes: >I decided to buy a Stylewriter II over a Deskwriter for a bevy of reasons... >I have since then regretted that decision daily... >a) Water based ink. Document handling instructions: ... >b) The feed mechanism often eats, mangles and spits back paper. ... This is based on an original Stylewriter, but might help: a) You can buy (non-Apple) cartridges which have permanent ink, or refills, or make your own (there is a FAQ in the archive somewhere). I used a permanent refill, with a slight loss of print quality. b) I've had problems here. I've found that keeping several "spare" sheets in the feeder, behind the one(s) I want to print, makes a big difference. In my case, the much smaller footprint of the StyleWriter makes the difference between having a printer and having a problem! Malcolm (Usual disclaimers apply) ------------------------------ Date: 22 Jan 94 00:03:00 EST From: "tom moore" Subject: subscribe and help! Hi, all. Is there a way to subscribe to your fine posting? Thanks. ALSO...I've got a question I'd like added, if you could: I am the newly appointed Systems Editor for Congressional Quarterly, a Washington, D.C.-based magazine that covers Congress. We are in the process of buying some Macs for the newsroom and we have a spare PC or two lying around. Also a hulking VAX computer on another floor. Also the odd Unix IBM RISC machine here and there. We have decided that we would like to set up state mailing lists that our reporters could use to talk to political scientists and others who pay attention to such things outside the Beltway. I'd like to set up a server (hopefully on a Mac or a PC; the other machines actually have day jobs) that would allow folks to subscribe and unsubscribe automatically, and would bounce all our mail off of the mailing lists it would create. Is there software available on the Mac or on PC that will allow me to do this? We don't need full-blown LISTSERV functionality, necessarily, just the ability to perform the duties I've outlined above. Do you know of anything? I am even willing to (gasp!) pay medium-big bucks for this service. I had assumed that it would be no big deal to get this all set, but I am having a surprisingly tough time finding software. If you do not know, are there others I can speak to or resources I can consult? Please feel free to whack the bejeezus out of that. Thanks so much. Tom Moore Systems Editor Congressional Quarterly Weekly Report ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Jan 1994 02:37:12 -0800 From: (Tonya Engst) Subject: Hi Mark, FYI, from the Word angle, the official word is "first half of 1994." Unfortunately, it is not Microsoft's style to be more forthcoming about release dates. More generally speaking, as I watch various companies struggling to make release dates, I've noticed that this isn't a business where you can predict dates, which may be why MS is so vague. Don't believe a date until MacConnection has it in stock or you have a shrink wrapped copy in your hands. I can assure you that if someone gave you a precise Word 6 ship date, that they would be guessing. There have been noteable exceptions, but generally specific, announced release dates are so much spin doctoring, sound and fury from marketing, nothing more... cheers, tonya Date: Tue, 18 Jan 1994 14:31:30 -0600 (CST) From: "Mark Dohm, UW-P Information Technology" Subject: Release dates of new Excel/Word? Has anyone heard specific details on release dates of Excel 5 and Word 6 for the Mac? I know they are supposed to be released this quarter, but a more precise date would be nice. thanks, Mark. 8^) ( Tonya Engst, TidBITS Editor -- My opinions are not necessarily those of my employer, Microsoft ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 22 Jan 1994 10:32:15 +0200 From: (Will Howard) Subject: V12 #11 (stylewriter vs deskwriter) In article <9401210840.AA18445@CAMIS.Stanford.EDU>, you wrote: Regarding the comments of Michael S. Silverstein ( about the Stylewriter versus the DeskWriter: I just got a Deskwriter at work, and I must say I'm impressed, not only with the mechanics of the machine (paper handling) and print quality but also with H-P's software. I have a borrowed Stylewriter at home and it's mighty flaky in paper handling, though I have no complaints about the print quality. I do have some questions about media: what are peoples' thoughts on the best paper to use? And can transparencies be run through the machine without mangling it or them (Manual doesn't explicitly say)? If transparencies can be run, what's the best brand? Thanks for any insights. Please reply via email ( as I haven't fully figured out this news reader system. -- Will Howard Sea Education Association Woods Hole MA ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Jan 94 12:04:56 -0500 From: (Ethan Benatan) Subject: Word 5.1 and Endnote (A) I use EndNote Plus, which has an excellent plug-in module for Word 5.1, included. Niles has great tech support, and EndNote has its own listserv group,which is echoed on usenet as bit.listserv.endnote. Here is the .sig from one of their postings to that group: > Avi Rappoport, EndNote Technical Support > Niles & Associates, Inc. 2000 Hearst, Berkeley CA 94709 > (510) 649-8176, fax +1 510 649-8179 Hope this helps, Ethan ------------------------------ Date: 21 Jan 1994 14:25:04 +0000 From: (Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble) Subject: Word 5.1 and Endnote (Answer: get the latest version) (Mark Monmonier) wrote: >Does anyone know of a way to make the 1989 bibliographic package Endnote >compatible with Word 5.1? Endnote opens readily with Word 4.0 but not with >versions 5.0 or 5.1. Customer Support for Endnote is not available at the >telephone number in my users manual--the vendor (Niles & Associates, of >Berkeley, Cal.) is either out of business or has changed its phone number. Niles & Associates is certainly not out of business. I just got the NilesNotes newsletter 93#5. Endnote has worked with Word 5 ever since the latter was released, and in fact there is a special plug-in for Word-5 that makes it even easier to use than with Word 4 (Cost $19). Contact Niles at: 2000 Hearst Ave., Ste. 200, Berkeley, CA 94709 Phone: (510) 649-8176; Fax: (510) 649-8179 Contact the EndNote user group on: (Steven K. Bang) Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble, FRANCE ( Fax (France=33). ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Jan 1994 11:43:33 +0100 From: cas@POPServer Subject: Word 5.1 and Endnote (R) Wich version of EndNote do you use? I have EndNote Plus Plug-In Module version 1.0 and version 1.2.1 of EndNote resp. version 1.2 of EndNotePlus. Word version 5.1a Works for me and all the lab (about 60 macs) Cas Meijer ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Jan 94 19:15:57 EST From: Subject: WordPerfect Conversions The conversion files necessary for WordPerfect 3.0 Macintosh to read WordPerfect 6.x files are now available on in the /Mac/Updates directory. The file is called convert.sea.hqx. Any questions regarding these files can be directed to WordPerfect: Customer Support....(800) 228-2875 English.....(800) 321-2173 French Applelink....WPCorp America Online....MacWPInfo Compuserve....70471,2064 ------------------------------ Date: 21 Jan 1994 13:49:57 +0000 From: (Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble) Subject: Xwindows on a Macintosh (Answer: use XDM) Ted Young ( wrote: >I would like to repeat the request from Tim Colson (v12:7) concerning >software for running X-Windows under the Mac OS. > >Is there an X-Window environment for the Mac OS that is comparable to >X-Windows on a Sun SPARC? I am not (necessarily) interested in public >domain software; there is a budget. It is true that Mac-X does not act like a real X-terminal in that it does not send a log-on request to the xdm daemon running on all Unix machines. However, there is a wonderful little shareware application called XDM-1.0 available on Sumex-aim that anyone using Mac-X should have. Start Mac-X, then start XDM and you can bring up a real log-on screen on the Mac for any Unix machine on the local network, just like a real X-terminal. After that, forget all about the Mac-X stuff and just use it like an ordinary X-terminal. Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble, FRANCE ( Fax (France=33). ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 22 Jan 94 08:41:56 JST From: Hello: I'm a Spanish chemistry researcher in Japan, and I'm using a VersaTermPro UNIX emulator running on Macintosh to connect to the Internet. I would like to be able to transfer my UNIX files to the Mac, but it seems that I cannot do it with this emulator. Can you help me with this? If you have some information about the subject I would very grateful if you shere it with me. Thank you very much PABLO VITORIA e-mail ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 22 Jan 1994 13:13:29 +0000 From: Jonathan AH Hogg Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.digest Path: hoggja From: (Jonathan AH Hogg) Subject: Aliens movie (o fortuna) Message-ID: Summary: jeez this gets tedious Keywords: aliens movie quicktime fortuna stuff right Organization: Glasgow University Computing Science Dept. Date: Sat, 22 Jan 1994 13:13:24 GMT Lines: 11 I am asking on behalf of a friend if anyone still has a copy of the aliens demo quicktime movie (the old spice o fortuna one) that can be ftp'd down or obtained by some other means. Thanks jonathan -- Jonathan AH Hogg, Electronic and Software Engineering, University of Glasgow || || ------------------------------ End of Info-Mac Digest ******************************